What Mix is Best for Potted Lavender and Rosemary?
“What is the best soil mixture for potted rosemary and lavender?” Wakenda of Portland, Oregon. Answer: Both lavender (Lavandula spp.) [&he...

What is the Best Soil for Herbs in a Raised Bed?
“What soil is best to use for my herbs in a raised bed? I have lemon balm, mint, basil, and […]

What Do I Need To Grow Container Vegetables?
“I am starting a container garden for onions, potatoes, and carrots. I will be using the Black Gold potting mix […]

What Herbs Repel Deer?
“I read that Thyme can repel deer from your veggie garden. Is it true?” Question from Sylvia of Belle Plaine, […]

How Do I Protect My Vegetable Garden From Squirrels?
“I need to protect my garden from squirrels. I want to do container gardening on my deck. I have problems […]

Why Won’t My Basil Grow Well?
“My basil always is short and flowers. It is in full sun, and I suspect it’s too much sun. I […]