
Black Gold Earthworm Castings Yield an 855 Pound Pumpkin!

Giant pumpkin growing is a true art. Learn what a smart grower in Utah did to grow a giant, award-winning pumpkin:

Check out the pumpkin I grew this year in a 400 square foot patch!  It was the 4th heaviest in Utah this year at 855 pounds.  This is my 5th year of growing and my previous best was 404 pounds in 2007.

One of the only things I did differently than previous years is add 160 quarts (10 bags) of Black Gold Earthworm Castings into the top 6 inches of soil.  Please don’t tell anybody!  Thank you!


Russ, Utah



Black Gold is "Very Excellent Soil"

BG All Purp front

Here’s another glowing testimonial from a satisfied Black Gold user:

“Black Gold® All Purpose Soil is a very excellent soil. In the past I used another soil & it killed my pansies so I tried the Black Gold® All Purpose & within 2 weeks they were bigger than the ones in the other soil that had been in it for over 2 months. Thank you and don’t ever change the formula because it works great!”

-Allan, Portland, OR


Black Gold® Soil Conditioner Reviewed

Black Gold Soil Conditioner 2 2 cu Bale frontI worked at a garden center in Gresham, Oregon and that is where I tried the Black Gold Soil Conditioner. I live in an area near Mt Hood that has a lot of sand and fir needles in my soil, so I thought I would try this product since I sold the product at the garden center, and I felt I needed to know how it worked. I started using it in my flower pots. I planted my flowers in some pots, and tomatoes in other pots using soil conditioner. It worked so well that I decided to use it in all my flower beds. I also added it to the soil where I planted my evergreens, rhododendrons, and other plants. They grew so well, and I did not lose any of my plants. I also had some of the nicest tomatoes. This fall I put a layer on all my flower beds.

I feel this is the best product I have ever used. I am going to continue to add this to my flower beds each years, as my plants have done so well since I have been using Black Gold Soil Conditioner.

-Gardener in Sandy

Potting Soil Recommendation for Black Gold

We couldn’t have asked for a better potting soil recommendation! Read what Nat Lichten has to say about Black Gold:

We’ve attached the first few photos of container gardens that we were sent from participants in the NWSA AmeriCorps Home Gardens Program.  All of these beautiful veggies were grown in Black Gold potting soil! What success!

I’ll pass on more photos as the season continues.  Thank you and everyone else at Sun Gro so much for all your support in helping low-income Portlanders grow their own food!

Nat Lichten
Home Garden Coordinator
NWSA AmeriCorps



3-2-1 Fast Germination with Black Gold!

Better seed germination was achieved with Black Gold!  Bill Bird, who writes the Sacramento Vegetable Gardening blog, raved recently about Black Gold seed starting mix. His tomato seeds sprouted in six days! Bill wrote: “What I needed was a good seed starting medium. And I found it at Lockhart Seed in Stockton. This stuff is called “Black Gold” and it is — as advertised — some of the softest and nicest seed starting mixes I’ve ever come across. It truly is “Black Gold”. I have the seed starts to prove it.”


Thanks to Black Gold®

Jeanne wrote to us:

“I wanted to let you know that received the Black Gold gardening apron and the Black Gold potting mix and transplant fertilizer.  Thank you so much!  I added those items to other gardening products in a basket to be auctioned off for charity this Saturday.  I’m intending to bid on the basket, but in any case the basket will go to a gardening enthusiast and the money will go to a good cause.  Black Gold gardening products has been credited for the donation, so your company’s name will go out to all who attend the auction (a little extra publicity!).   Thanks again to Black Gold for making great products and for sending me these great prizes!”

Black Gold Recommended by Fine Gardening Magazine

Black Gold® Recommended by Fine Gardening Magazine In the January/ February 2009 edition of Fine Gardening Magazine, Black Gold® was recommended by the article’s author as “great container soil”. Black Gold® was his choice because we offer a “high-quality organic alternative to larger, mass-produced products”. We appreciate those kind words, and we hope that all of our customers feel the same.

Black Gold Received the National Home Garden Club Seal

Black Gold® Receives Recognition from Home Gardeners

Black Gold All Purpose w/Multicote, Black Gold® Natural & Organic and Black Gold® Waterhold Cocoblend have just received the National Home Garden Club Seal of approval. Last summer and fall several hundred members of the National Home Garden club in the western United States tested the three potting soils. The producttesters were asked to use the sample in their home garden and determine if it would be a product they would recommend. We are pleased to let you know that each of the three products received a customer satisfaction score of 98 to 100 percent.

The Garden is In! Raised Bed Gardening on Dakota Farms

By Shelley Moore

Shelley Moore is an aspiring organic backyard gardener with hopes of becoming a true ‘green thumb’. She is the mother of two young daughters and the wife of one helpful husband. They reside in northern Utah.

Don’t you find it a little crazy to think that pretty much the same “stuff” we wash off our kids at the end of an outdoor play day (and/or find at the bottom of the drained bathtub that same evening) is the same “stuff” that is used to grow healthy vegetables and fruits to feed said kids?

Yep, we are talking dirt.

Continue reading “The Garden is In! Raised Bed Gardening on Dakota Farms”

Build Organic Garden Soil with Black Gold

Building organic garden soil is the same as working the soil for any other kind of garden except for one thing: you must feed the soil with OMRI Listed products for organic gardening. The ground below your feet is not just dirt but a whole living breathing universe unto itself. Within those soil mineral particles are populations of microscopic bacteria, fungi, yeasts, protozoa and algae. They are collectively known as microbes, which feed on the remnants of dead plants, also known as organic matter. Organic gardens depend on high microbe populations to make plants grow strong naturally, resist pests and diseases, and produce a bumper crop of food or flowers.

Continue reading “Build Organic Garden Soil with Black Gold”