
Dahlias by Mike Darcy

As of September 22, we have officially moved into the autumn season. I don’t think that plants know it is […]


For maximum satisfaction, I find that planning my garden so that it produces fresh floral displays throughout the growing season, […]

Piece of Cake Perennials

Perennials are the floral backbone of my garden because they develop over time and last. I look for exciting new […]

Mulching Frost Tender Plants

  It seems as though many gardeners, including myself, are always on the lookout for a new and/or unusual plant. […]

Fall Rose Care

Here it is in mid-October and many roses are still blooming. There are few shrubs, if we can call roses […]

Autumn in the Garden

Autumn leaves drifting by your window are telling you that fall is here and it is time to put the […]