
How to Grow Summer Squash and Zucchini

The squashes of summer are versatile in summer cooking and some of the easiest vegetables you can grow as long […]

What is the Best Soil for Herbs in a Raised Bed?

What is the Best Soil for Herbs in a Raised Bed?

“What soil is best to use for my herbs in a raised bed? I have lemon balm, mint, basil, and […]

Bold Salvias for Pollinators

Many Salvia species and varieties, whether annual or perennial, are tall, bold, and bloom continuously throughout summer or fall. Their […]

Essential Culinary Herbs of the Seasons

Stylish and serviceable herb gardens are a delight through the growing season when they appeal to the eye and senses […]

DIY Video: Growing Petunias from Seed

Petunia plants are costly to buy and easily grown from seed, so grow them at home. Here’s how to start […]

How to Grow Spring Root Vegetables

Sweet spring beets, carrots, scallions, radishes, and turnips! Few vegetables are as awaited in my home garden. Though root vegetables […]