
Favorite Holiday House Plants

Stumped about what small token of appreciation to take to a holiday open house, a close friend’s party, or your […]

Summer Annual Herbs for The South

Defining an herb can be so confusing. Botanists say if something is “herbaceous” it is a seed-bearing, non-woody stemmed plant, but […]

Tips for a Four-Season Garden

Tips for a Four-Season Garden

Every gardener wants a colorful garden that can be enjoyed throughout the entire year. Spring is easy as it emerges […]

Repotting Houseplants

Repotting Houseplants

It is midwinter. You are occasionally stuck indoors, but your fingers are itching to play in the dirt. Why not […]

The African Violet, America’s #1 Houseplant

The African Violet, America’s #1 Houseplant

African Violets (Saintpaulia hybrids) are America’s favorite houseplants according to the African Violet Society of America (AVSA). The beloved...