We often think of Hibiscus as tropical plants from Hawaii and other warm weather states. While this Hibiscus can be grown there, it will not survive our winters and gardeners often plant this and treat it as an annual plant. What many gardeners do not know is that there is a winter-hardy Hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos). Often referred to simply as Hardy Hibiscus, these shrubby perennials will die to the ground in the winter but reappear in the late spring. There are many varieties that come in shades of white, red, pink, and rose. I have several in my garden and they are now coming into flower.(Bees love them!)
It is nice to have a big perennial blooming at this time of year. The flowers are large and showy. Plants reach about 4-feet tall, and this is an excellent time to visit garden centers to select the color you want. Winter-hardy Hibiscus are best planted in full sun and they thrive in moist soil. Feed with an OMRI Listed organic fertilizer formulated for flowers for maximum blooming!