
The Best Vegetables and Fruits for Indoor Growing

“What are the best vegetables and/or fruits that I can grow indoors?” Question from Dolores of Robinsonville, Mississippi

Answer: You are in luck! We have several Sun Gro articles on these very subjects. Salad greens are the easiest veggies to grow indoors. To learn more, read our article titled, Windowsill Salad Greens for Indoor Growing (click here to read the article). You can also grow compact peppers, tomatoes, and loads of different herbs inside. Learn more about how to grow these edibles in our article, Windowsill Herbs, and Vegetables for Kitchen Gardeners (click here to read the article).

You can also try your hand at growing indoor fruit if you have enough sun for them. Dwarf citrus grows well indoors, which we detail in our article Growing Lemons, Oranges, and Other Citrus Indoors (click here to read the article). You can also grow Dwarf Tropical Fruits Indoors (click here to read the article).

The key to growing any veggies or fruits indoors is making sure they get lots of sunlight and care.

Happy indoor growing!

Jessie Keith

Black Gold Horticulturist

How Do I Grow Bay Leaf Indoors?

“What’s the best way to grow bay leaves indoors?” Question from Debbie of Fort Calhoun, Nebraska

Answer: Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) is a broadleaf evergreen tree from the Mediterranean region  that is hardy between USDA Hardiness Zones 8-10. Thankfully, it is very easy to grow indoors, if you have a sunny spot that remains relatively cool through the winter.

Most quality nurseries carry bay laurel. Choose a leafy, robust looking tree, and plant it a ceramic pot that’s twice the size of the root ball, being sure to leave at least 2 inches of space at the top for watering. We recommend planting bay in a rich, well-drained mix for edible growing, like Black Gold Natural & Organic Potting Mix, which is approved for organic gardening.

Bay laurels require less water in fall and winter but don’t let the pot become completely dry between watering. During the summer months, bay pots grow better outdoors and require more water. Upgrade your bay when it outgrows its pot, and prune its branches back, if they become too large and top-heavy.

Fresh bay leaves can be harvested all season long, just be sure to leave enough leaves on the plant for good growth and plant health.

Happy bay laurel growing!

Jessie Keith



Rooting Mint Cuttings

“When dealing with mint clippings, what is the best way to keep them alive and well until they root and can be planted directly in soil?” Question from Jacquelynn  of Torrington, Wyoming 

Answer: You are lucky! Mint is one of the easiest herbs to root. Start by choosing the healthiest stem tips and clip them off to a length of about 6 inches. Then rinse them off and place them in a glass of clean water. Change the water every four days or so. They should root in the water within a week or two.

Once your cuttings have rooted, prepare medium-sized pots filled with quality mix, like Black Gold Natural & Organic Potting Mix. Dibble out holes big enough for your cuttings then plant them, being sure to firm the soil down around their roots. (Always leave at least an inch at the top of the pot for watering and make sure it has a saucer below.) Then water in your mint plants, and place them in a sunny window. Keep them trimmed back if they start to become too leggy, and feed them with a slow-release fertilizer to keep their foliage lush.

Happy indoor herb growing!!!

Jessie Keith