
I Am Looking for a Source for Boughton Dome Hebe?

“I am looking for bright dome hebe… can’t find it anywhere. Can you help?” Question from Kate of Brookings, Oregon

Ask a Garden Expert Answer: There are several Dome hebe. This includes ‘Boughton Dome’, ‘Emerald Dome’, ‘Golden Dome, and ‘Pewter Dome’. There is no ‘Bright Dome’ that I know of or
can find. Can you tell me the flower color and appearance of the hebe you seek?

Kate’s Response: Thanks so much for getting back in touch with me.  I meant to say I am looking for ‘Boughton Dome’ Hebe. Can you help me with that?

Ask a Garden Expert Answer: Sure! Joy Creek Nursery has an online catalog and is offering ‘Boughten Dome’ for sale. Click here to view. Before buying from an online nursery, I always check the Garden Watchdog of Dave’s Garden. You can type in any nursery, and they have reliable reviews. Joy Creek has overwhelmingly positive reviews.

I hope that this helps!

Jessie Keith

Black Gold Horticulturist