
Southern Ornamental Small Trees and Shrubs

While gardeners in northern states must contend with harsh winter cold and icy winds, there are gardens in warmer states […]

My Ninebark has a Foliar Disease. Help!

“I grow several varieties of ninebark, including the straight species native, and have not had any trouble the past 30 […]

Glorious Hydrangeas for the Summer Garden

The name Hydrangea denotes water and comes from the Greek words, hydor (water) and aggos (a jar). Together the words […]

Spring Garden Tasks for a Happy Garden

Spring is here! Officially it was March 20th, but I knew it was spring as soon as I saw the […]

Winter 2024 In My Pacific Northwest Garden

If you are like me in January, your e-mail inbox looks like mine with winter warning messages from the city, […]

Winter Garden Tasks for a Happy Garden

December was a month of trying to get my winter garden tasks all done before the end of the year. […]