Education is when you read the fine print, experience is what you get when you don’t.
And when it comes to Black Gold amendments, our fine print is a whole education on the best way to achieve optimal results in your garden. Optimum is the balance between using enough to obtain all the benefits you can, but not so much that it costs you more than it should. Turn any package around and you’ll discover the fine print that’s key to a fantastic garden.

Amendment Labels
These are larger bagged products that bring fertile organic matter to ordinary garden soil. They include Black Gold Garden Compost Blend, Garden Soil, and Earthworm Castings . At the top is a rundown on all the ways you might use this product in your garden. For example, Garden Compost is recommended to top dress a lawn, enrich flower beds and to even use it as a light weight seed cover. It also tells you this is a good form of organic matter to break up heavy soils and add water holding capacity to sandy soils.
Under the Ingredients Section you learn exactly what’s in the amendment, so you can be sure everything it contains is organic and all natural. For our OMRI listed Garden Compost and Earthworm Casting Blend, the back panel includes a detailed explanation of what this means and why it’s so important to have third party verification that a product is all organic.

The How To Use section that’s unique to every product. It tells you how much you’ll need to cover a specified area properly. For example, many stipulate a 2″ to 4″ deep layer, which is spread uniformly over the area so every square inch receives the same amount. Only after the area is covered should you work it in with a tiller or spading fork.
There’s a handy chart that shows you how many bags you’ll need to get the proper depth of coverage overall. It takes you step by step through the process of determining how many square feet of garden space you have, then tells you how many cubic feet of product you’ll need to get the job done. Do your math in advance or bring your calculator to the garden center and refer to details on the package to make sure you buy enough for the coverage depth you want.