
March 30: Bayside Garden Supply Customer Appreciation Day

Join Black Gold on Saturday, March 30th, 2013 for the Bayside Garden Supply Customer Appreciation Day in Eureka, California. Fellow growers and experts will gather to share tips and techniques on how we can get more from our gardens. It’s always a great time! Last year an an inflatable-ballerina forklift operator showed up! Who knows who’ll show up this year. Join us for an Only-in-Eureka event!

Continue reading “March 30: Bayside Garden Supply Customer Appreciation Day”

March 2, 2013: Advanced Soil and Garden Customer Appreciation Day

Thanks to everyone who joined us on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 for the Advanced Soil and Garden Customer Appreciation Day in Oroville, California. Fellow growers and experts gathered to share tips and techniques on how we can get more from our gardens. It’s was another great Customer Appreciation Day. A big thanks to all the wonderful folks at Advanced Soil and Garden!

Continue reading “March 2, 2013: Advanced Soil and Garden Customer Appreciation Day”

Black Gold Orchid Mix: A Superior Product

BG Orchid Mix frontI must agree with your article on orchids. Your Orchid Potting Mix (as near as I know) has to be the finest orchid potting mix available. I usually wait until the orchids are done blooming. In my case I have waited over 11 months to re-pot and I do use Black Gold Orchid Mix.

Thanks for making a superior product.

-Joel Hobbs