The 28th annual Clackamas County Master Gardener’s Spring Garden Fair was a smashing success and big fun this year with increases in attendance, vendor sales, food sales and happy customers! This annual Fair has become a true gardening tradition in the Northwest. This all-volunteer event has been declared the largest event of its kind in the nation and is now the biggest event held at the Clackamas Event Center in Canby, Oregon!
Proceeds benefited Clackamas Community College Horticulture Scholarship Endowment Fund and local Master Gardener OSU Extension Service programs.
A big thanks to the hundreds and hundreds of you who joined us and helped make this year’s fair so special! Hope to see you all again next year!
Black Gold sponsored the Potting Station: Where you could buy a new plant from any of the Spring Garden Fair’s 200 vendors, purchase a pot and then Master Gardeners provided free Black Gold potting soil and help potting up your new container and plant. Several different nurseries were there displaying their floral products and all sorts of possible planting combinations for inspiration.
Clackamas County Master Gardener’s Spring Garden Fair
May 5 and 6, 2012
Saturday 9 to 5
Sunday 9 to 4
Visit the Clackamas County Master Gardener’s website for full details.
Also, check out the Spring Garden Fair on Facebook for all the details on the 2012 fair.