
Cool to Warm Weather Gardening in Spring

Raised bed gardening in the Pacific Northwest.

Here in the Pacific Northwest temperatures seem to be getting warmer and warmer in the spring. We have finally had some sunny days, and the temperature actually reached the 80’s. How nice it was to see the sun, and what a wonderful feeling to get outside in the garden without a jacket.

I always like to visit other gardens and made a recent visit to the garden of a friend to check on the status of his garden peas. Since peas like cool weather, they have done just fine. It is so nice to see his raised vegetable beds. He worked Black Gold Garden Compost Blend into the soil at time of planting, and the plants look great. The fine compost gives his beds a ‘finished’ look.

If you have held off on planting your summer vegetable garden, it should be all right to do so now. Beans are very easy to grow BG-GRDNCMPST-BLND_1cu-FRONTfrom seed. Once the soil has warmed, they germinate quickly and are a good crop for children to grow. Cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, and corn can also be planted from seed. If you just need a few plants, save time by buying individual starts at your local garden center.

With the arrival of warm weather, basil can finally be planted. Basil definitely needs heat and is one of the last plants I set out in spring. I wait until the nights and days are both warm. Try growing basil in containers on a deck or patio. As long as it has full sun, it should thrive. At our house, we always have basil in several pots on our deck. Black Gold Natural & Organic Potting Soil is a great mix for basil planting. (Basil deserves to be planted in an organic potting soil!)

There are many different types of basil to grow. In addition to the familiar large-leaf Italian sweet basil, consider growing ‘Dark Opa” for its flavorful dark-red leaves or ‘African Blue’ for its purple-tinted leaves. A new one for me this year is ‘Pesto Perpetuo’, which has variegated leaves that are light green with a cream margin. The contrasting color of the leaves make this basil stand out nicely against the reddish stems.

This shaded bed shows the large leaves of my Gunnera towards the back behind the hostas.

Gunnera tinctoria is a plant that always amazes me with its giant leaves and fast growth. Mine are already over 6 feet tall and growing. My Gunnera is also sending up a flower stalk which looks somewhat like a corn cob. Sometimes garden centers will label Gunnera as “The Dinosaur Food Plant” because it is an ancient plant and is found in fossils. Here in the metro Portland (Oregon) region, I have had good success with Gunnera even though it is not considered winter hardy here. Once we have had a frost, I cut the huge leaves and cover the crown of the plant with them for winter protection. I then cut the stems and insert them through the leaves and into the soil to help anchor them. This has provided enough protection for my plant that it has survived for the past five years even though we have had some very cold temperatures.

My experience is that Gunnera does best with some shade, especially protection from the hot afternoon summer sun. It also requires plenty of moisture and a soil rich in humus. I planted mine with about a 50% mixture of Black Gold Garden Compost Blend and good garden loam. I also use two applications of an all-purpose fertilizer later in the season.

Roses should be coming into bloom, and this is the time to fertilize them with a quality rose food. Roses expend so much energy with their continuous flowering, it is wise to fertilize on a regular basis (perhaps every four weeks) during the growing season. I always like to make one application of blood meal because of the high- and fast-acting nitrogen content. For an easy-care shrub rose, consider a Knock Out®rose. While not the traditional cutting rose, ‘Knock-Out’ bears flower clusters that bloom all summer, and it has never had a trace of disease.

Knock Out® Rose

The hardy banana, Musa basjoo is another good summer plant for Pacific Northwest gardens. When the word ‘hardy’ is used, it refers to the roots as being hardy, not the leaves. Like a perennial, this plant will die to the ground in the winter and return from the roots in spring. I have had it planted in my garden for over 10 years. When the first frost comes, I take the old leaves and cover the entire ground area with them.

I am amazed at how tall my hardy banana has already grown this year, considering our cool weather.  Typically, I apply a quality all-purpose fertilizer as it begins to grow. By the end of August, it will reach 12 feet and tower above most other plants in my garden.

Romneya coulteri

A final plant to mention is Romneya coulteri (Matilija Poppy). Each bloom has magnificent white crinkled petals with a cluster of yellow stamens in the center. The foliage is bluish, so the plant attracts attention in the garden, even when it is not in bloom. If you are looking for a plant that will grow well in sunny, hot, dry space, this is it. The only other requirement is that it needs good drainage. Once established, no summer watering is required.

So many plants to choose from! Check out your local garden center, and try something new. I always try to find some plants to add to the garden that are not familiar but look exciting.


Cool Weather Gardening in the Pacific Northwest

This gravel garden is creative and bright!

For those of you that have followed my monthly web articles, you are aware that I live and garden in a suburb of Portland, Oregon. While we are probably famous for our rainy weather, this year seems to be an exceptionally wet year. Not only wet, but some very cold days this past winter and the spring has continually been cool. We made a record (perhaps not something to brag about) these past few months by having the longest period without the temperature reaching 60 degrees since weather record keeping began in 1940 at the airport. When talking with various garden center personnel, the consensus seems to be that we are about two weeks behind what would be a “normal” spring season.

On April 6, at about 4:00 in the afternoon, we had one of the most torrential hail storms that I can remember. The sky just seemed to open; down came the hail, completely covering the ground, deck and roof. After the hail stopped, I looked out the window and it was as though we had just had a snow storm! And this is April! Earlier in the week, I was digging a hole to plant a shrub and after the shovel was into the ground about 12 inches, water started filling the hole from the bottom. I can never remember by soil being so saturated. Obviously this can be frustrating for gardeners but all the more reason to make plans for the day when sun does arrive. And it WILL arrive, we just do not know when.

BG-Seedling-1.5cuAll of these conditions make for a good reason to have a good supply of Black Gold Seedling Mix on hand. This is the ideal time to get seeds started so that once the weather warms; you will have plants to set outside. Whether you are starting vegetable or flower seeds, get them started now. Then when your seedlings are ready to transplant outdoors or you have bought transplants from a garden center, work into your outdoor flower and vegetable beds Black Gold Garden Compost Blend and along with it mix in a starter fertilizer. The starter fertilizer will supply a readily available source of nutrients as well as Mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae has been added to the fertilizer as it has the attribute of helping plants draw in nutrients from the soil.

If your roses were pruned in February, there should be signs of buds swelling and breaking opening and perhaps new growth is emerging. Once new growth is 4-6 inches long, it is time to fertilize. A fertilizer formulated for flowers is ideal because it will have some fast- and slow-acting nitrogen as well as other nutrients all helpful in making roses look their best. Early in the season, like now, I also like to add Black Gold Alfalfa Meal. It provides needed nutrients naturally, including nitrogen, and breaks down quickly. While not all plants require a nitrogen boost, roses do. Since roses are primarily grown for their flowers and since rose flowers appear on new growth, adequate nitrogen will encourage new growth and hence more flowers.

Another great Pacific Northwest plant for gardeners is the rhododendron. For early blooming rhododendrons, once the flowering is over, it is time to fertilize. If your rhododendron needs pruning, just after blooming is an ideal time. If you wait too long, then you will cut off flower buds forming next year’s bloom. After bloom, it is also good to remove the old flowers and you will see there is a natural place to break them off at the base of the flower where it attaches with the stem. Fertilize with fertilizer for acid-loving plants. Make one application after bloom and then another in mid-summer. At the same time you are adding the fertilizer, consider amending your soil around the base of the plant. My favorite product for this is Black Gold Garden Compost Blend. I like to lightly work it into the soil (rhododendrons have shallow roots so do not cultivate deeply), add fertilizer and then water. It gives the soil a very polished and “finished” appearance.

While we hopefully will have some sunny days soon, do not rush the season by planting summer vegetable plants. Last year I heard so many gardeners lament their early rush to plant summer vegetables and then experiencing the failure with plants performing poorly or dying. Warm season vegetables like tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, beans, and squash are called warm season for a reason. These plants all need warm days and nights and planting too early will result in failure.

Summer will arrive, just don’t rush it!