“I’d like to grow Brussels sprouts in my garden for the first time this year. When do I plant, and how much water do they need?” Question from Amber of Bay City, Michigan
Answer: Brussels sprouts are a cool-season crop for fall. This means that they need cooler temperatures to grow well and set Brussels sprouts, and they do this best in the long, cool period of fall. In your northern zone, start plants from seed in early summer, and get them in the ground no later than August first. When starting plants from seed, it can take as long as two months to grow seedlings to planting size. You may also be able to purchase starts at your local garden center.
Grow Brussels sprouts in full sun and light, fertile, well-drained soil amended with compost, such as Black Gold Garden Compost Blend. Feed them with an all-purpose vegetable fertilizer at planting time, and give them plenty of water if weather conditions start to become dry. They like soil with light, even moisture. As they grow upward, they may require staking. (Click here to view a few good varieties available from seed.)
White cabbage moths, also called cabbage loopers/worms, are the most common pest (click here to learn how to manage them) iand harlequin cabbage bugs (click here to learn how to manage them) are also a problem, so keep a lookout for both. They must be treated on sight if you want a good harvest.
I hope that you have great success with your Brussels sprouts!
Happy gardening,
Jessie Keith
Black Gold Horticulturist