What Is the Best Black Gold Soil for Raised Beds?

Best Black Gold Soil for Raised Beds

“I have several raised garden beds (6’x3′ and 2’x2′) both 18+ inches deep for vegetables.  I am debating between the “natural and organic potting mix”, “organic flower and vegetable soil”, and “natural and organic raised beds and potting mix”.  Is there a clear choice here or would I be good with any?” Question from Lars of Chicago, Illinois

Answer: All three of these products work well for raised bed growing, but our new Black Gold Natural and Organic Raised Bed Potting Mix is specially formulated for raised beds. If I were to choose from the three, it would be my pick. Additionally, I always recommend that gardeners mix a little natural topsoil into their raised beds. The addition of a little natural mineral soil will increase the longevity of the mix. Be sure to supplement with a fertilizer formulated for vegetable plantings.

When determining how the amount of raised bed growing mix to add to your beds, use this formula:

Soil Application Formula

([area to cover] ft2 x [depth in inches desired] x 0.0031 = ___ yd3).

Example: If you wanted to cover a 20 square foot area with 2 inches of compost, the result would be: 20 ft2 x 2 inches of compost x 0.0031 = 2.48 yd3.

(Click here for a full overview of how to prep a new vegetable garden from start to finish.)

Happy gardening,

Jessie Keith

Black Gold Horticulturist




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