
Can I Grow Vegetables in Pots in Summer and Winter?

“I am from SC. Will any veggies grow indoors in pots in the summer or winter?” Question from Donna of Newberry, South Carolina

Answer: There are lots of vegetables that are easily grown in containers. The key is choosing large containers that will give their roots enough space to grow and choosing varieties that are more compact. Providing excellent potting mix, like Black Gold Natural & Organic Potting Mix, and fertilizer formulated for vegetables is also essential. Growing container vegetables in summer is a snap because of the ample sunshine, warmth, humidity, and pollinators. (Click here to read more about growing vegetables in containers, and this article covers lots of miniature vegetables that are just right for container growing.)

Growing vegetables in containers in winter is a different story. First, you generally need lots of sunlight–at least 6 to 8 hours for good growth and production. Also, warm-season vegetables, like tomatoes and peppers, need extra warmth and moderate humidity. Greens and herbs are often the best choices for indoor growing because they need a little less light (five to six hours of sun) and are able to withstand cooler temperatures. They are great candidates for a bright, sunny, south-facing window. (Click here for a great article about growing windowsill greens in winter, and here’s an article about growing indoor herbs.)

Because you live down south, you may be able to get really cold-hardy greens to overwinter in pots as well, but this is never a sure-shot deal. Experiment with kale and collards to see if you can get them to survive your winter cold in pots.

I hope that these tips help! Growing veggies in big, tall pots is lots of fun and almost like raised bed gardening.

Happy gardening!

Jessie Keith

Black Gold Horticulturist